Across Canada for Cancer with Koot and Rye


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Trip pictures 1

Koot in the Pacific

Put your cursor on the picture for an explanation.

Ry in the Pacific

One down, nine to go!

The first flat!!

A waterfall in the B.C. Rockies

Though we are in Saskatoon, SK. already, these pictures are only from B.C. and Alberta. When we get more film developed we will be sure to share those photos with you as well.

Hope, British Columbia

Koots culinary expertise (according to Mr. Ron Kirschner)!!

Funny sign.

Kamloops B.C.

Ry and Chester (in Ry's hands) ready to battle the elements!!

Roadside stop for a snack and scenery!!

The Alberta border

The warning sign was not a farce!!

Camping in Mount Robson Provincial Park

The mascots (Chester on the left and Nelson on the right)


Hope these pictures gave a good enough idea of what has been happening and we will be sure to put more on the page when we get the chance.